
The Sensors Group is the co-ordinator of WeCare, an SNSF funded multi-partner project, that aims to develop a new generation of non-invasive wearable biomonitoring devices for personalized diagnosis and preventive health care. These devices will for the first time, provide continuous monitoring of individuals in natural physical conditioning environments and therefore allowing new and up-to-now not possible, studies of how the dynamically changing biomarker concentrations in sweat can be correlated with the physiological states of these individuals. Since one of the most demanding on-line biosensing applications is arguably sports physiology, WeCare will focus primarily on the continuous health assessment of athletes. To enable personalized health awareness in such dynamic and uncontrolled conditions, WeCare proposes a novel ultra-low-power and flexible-microfluidic neuromorphic cognitive architecture to combine the multiparametric measurements from a complete set of soft biosensors.