EDFLOW paper accepted at IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. (TCSVT)

by Tobi

We are happy to announce that our paper titled EDFLOW: Event Driven Optical Flow Camera with Keypoint Detection and Adaptive Block Matching from Min Liu's PhD project has been accepted to the top journal for video systems technology (IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. (TCSVT)). The EDFLOW camera detects DVS keypoints and computes optical flow vectors all on the embedded FPGA logic chip at event rates over 10 MHz. The flow accuracy is at least as good as the large CNN EV-Flownet. Check out the EDFLOW21 project pages for more information. Please fill out our poll there if you are interested in using an EDFLOW camera. Congratulations to Dr. Min, who has also recently graduated with his PhD.  

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