Congratulations to Kwantae and Chang for publication of low-power keyword spotting IC in IEEE JSSC

by Shih-Chii

Congratulations to Kwantae and Chang for publication of low-power keyword spotting IC in IEEE JSSC

We congratulate Kwantae Kim, Chang Gao, Rui Graca, Ilya Kiselev for the publication of the keyword spotting chip paper in the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. This journal paper presents in more detail the circuits reported in  The First-Ever Demonstrated ultra-low-power keyword spotting chip with ring-oscillator-based time-domain feature extractor presented at IEEE ISSCC 2022.

Kwantae Kim, Chang Gao, Rui Graça, Ilya Kiselev, Hoi-Jun Yoo, Tobi Delbruck, and Shih-Chii Liu, “A 23 μW Keyword Spotting IC with Ring-Oscillator-Based Time-Domain Feature Extraction” To appear in 2022 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC). See paper here.

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